Iha Métodu ida-Ne'e, ita iha atu aumenta valór rejistu ida Kona ba Rejistu.
- Ba iha Start >Run no hakerek regedit no hanehan enter. Registry editor dialog box sei loke.
- Habelar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
- Klique mouse liman los iha Windows no hili New?Key no hanaran pasta ho naran Psched
- Right click on the Psched folder you created and select New→DWORD Value and name it as NonBestEffortLimit then enter the value as 0 and Select the Decimal Radio Button and Click OK.Kklique mouse liman los iha Windows no hili New?Key no hanaran pasta ho naran Psched· Klique liman los iha mouse iha pasta Psched cria no hili select New?DWORD Value no fo naran NonBestEffortLimit hatama valor 0 no hili Decimal Radio Button depois klique OK.
- Restart Komputador bainhira mudansa ne'ebe halo tiha ona ne'e remata, hodi bele afeita ba configurasaun.