
Husi kultura hau Aprende buat barak tamba husi kultura motiva hau sai ema hodi proteze hau nia rai doben timor-leste


Tane hau nia kultura tane hau nia Lisan


husi lisan hau brani protege hau nia kultura no hau nia rai


Koko Aprende no protege nomos atu sai mata-dalan ba teknologia iha Railaran


Husi kiak hau sai ema

Aumenta Internet lais

  cyber railaran

Pasu atu halo internet halai lais usa mozila.

A. Hakerek "about:config" address bar no hanehan ENTER. no hare'e lista tuir mai no halo tuir trik tuir mai:

1. Alterar entry hanesan tuir mai:

koloka "network.http.pipelining" ba "true"
koloka "network.http.proxy.pipelining" ba "true"

2.koloka "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" ba numeru hanesan 8 ou 30 (numeru sira ne'e katak: 8 ou sei halo requesta dala walu ou tolu nolu iha tempo hanesan).

3. ikus liu klique iha kualker fatin no hili New-> Integer. fo'o naran
"nglayout.initialpaint.delay" no koloka nia value ba "0". nalor ne'e signika nudar total tempu ba browser hein molok simu data, katak nia simu data diretiamente laiha atrasar tempo.
4.molok atu usa, taka Mozila no loke fila fali
5. hakat ba Opsaun B hodi bele suporta malu

B. halo internet lais aumenta

Ne'e laos trique maibe serie husi trique simples ne'ebe haliu ita atu aumenta signifikante internet nia lais, hau garantia imi nian internet sei lao lais. serie trique ne'e vale no lao diak ona iha makina Windows nian hanesan XP, Vista no Windows 7, trique hanesan koko tiha ona iha windows 8 usa 3G modem usa Timor Telecom nia ISP no lais liu.

1] Ba iha desktop->My computer-(klique mause liman los)->properties->depois ba iha HARDWARE tab-> Devicemanager-> agora bele hare'e window Device managerdepois ba iha Ports (COM & LPT)->Communication Port(klique dubla no loke). antes loke ita boot bele hare'e properties Communication Port nian.
ba iha Port Setting:----
no agora hili "Bits per second" ba 128000.
no  "Flow control" hili 2 Hardware

2]kopia kodiku tuir mai ne'e ba iha notepad no save as  ho typu ".reg" depois file ida ne'e....ne'e sei aumenta ita boot sira nianthis will increase ur surfe no downloading nia lais.....

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters]

3]Xp reservas 20% bandwith,
atu sem reserves ne'e, tuir pasu tuir mai:

a)Klique Start


c)Ba iha:>Local Computer Policy
-------–>Computer Configuration
-------–>Administrative Templates
-------–>Network–>QOS Packet Scheduler
-------–>Limit Reservable Bandwidth

d) Klique dobrar ihaLimit Reservable bandwidth

e)Hili Enable

f) Troka 20% to 0%

g)Clique Apply

Notes: trique sira ne'e akumula windows hotu-hotu, hare tuir imi nian typu windows no halo tuir.

Oinsa atu Ativa windows 8 Pro


Iha problema ho ativa windows 8 Pro ou Enterprise? akontese tamba dala ruma bainhira ita komesa installa systema windows 8 la tau serial number, ou ita usa numeru serial ba limitadu tempu nian, ho da ne'e tuir mai iha pasu por pasu atu halo ative, claru e komprende muito klaru katak ne'e ilegal, maibe ita laiha pilihan, so que ita tenque usa trik oituan hodi halo ativa para, bele tuir netik mudansa teknologia nian, ne'e ba IT deit, karik kompanha riku sira labele tuir trique ida ne'e tamba ne'e hasoru lei International kona ba Direotu no propriadidade Intelektual nian.Clique liman karuk usa mouse iha kantu tela(screen) monitor depois klique iha Command Prompt (Admin) karik ne'e laiha bele usa (Hanehan bandeira Microsoft nian ho butaun R iha keyboard) hodi loke RUN 
=> hakerek CMD
Iha Command prompt, hakerek slmgr.vbs -ipk <hakerek numeru produtu iha ne'e>

Hanehan Enter iha keyboard, depois de hakerek : slmgr.vbs -ato
 mak ne'e to'o iha rohan prosesu ativasaun Windows 8 Pro ou

Hack Windows nia registry atu halais Internet

  Iha Métodu ida-Ne'e, ita iha atu aumenta valór rejistu ida Kona ba Rejistu.

  • Ba iha Start >Run no hakerek  regedit  no hanehan enter. Registry editor dialog box sei loke.
  • Habelar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  • Klique mouse liman los iha Windows no hili New?Key no hanaran pasta ho naran Psched
  • Right click on the Psched folder you created and select NewDWORD Value and name it as NonBestEffortLimit then enter the value as and Select the Decimal Radio Button and Click OK.
    Kklique mouse liman los iha Windows no hili New?Key no hanaran pasta ho naran Psched
    ·       Klique liman los iha mouse iha pasta Psched cria no hili select New?DWORD Value no fo naran NonBestEffortLimit hatama valor 0 no hili Decimal Radio Button depois klique OK.

  • Restart Komputador bainhira mudansa ne'ebe halo tiha ona ne'e remata, hodi bele afeita  ba configurasaun.

oinsa atu Installa .Net Framework 3.5 iha Windows 8

  Windows 8 Beta iha problema atu installa .net framework 3.5

bainhira Installa windows 8 Beta, atu installa kualker programa applikasaun ne'ebe require .net framework, liu-liu .net framework 3.5 sei la lao:

metodu tuir mai atu installa programa refere ho manual ofline.

Pasu por Pasu:
1. loke CMD.exe ho Administrator privilance

2. hatama CD ka ISO windows 8, copia directoria tuir mai.

xcopy D:\Sources\sxs\*.* C:\dn /s

3. bainhira kompletu, atu installa hakerek kodiku tuir mai, hodi halo prosesu installasaun.

C:\Windows\System32>dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:C:\dn /LimitAccess
cyber railaran

FB no Twitter

   EagleEye - Kain ó-Nia Belun. Haree sira-Nia Instagram, FB No Perfíl Twitter ne ' ebé Uza Imajen Rekoñesimentu No Imajen Aleinde Peskiza.

cyber railaran

Stalk ó-Nia Belun. Haree sira-Nia Instagram, FB No Perfíl Twitter ne ' ebé Uza Imajen Rekoñesimentu No Imajen Aleinde Peskiza. Ida-neʼe saida? Iha liafuan simples, ita iha Imajen ida kona-ba Ema ne ' ebé ita buka no clue ida kona-ba ninia naran. Ita fó han ba programa ida ne'e ho ida-neʼe, no ida-neʼe koko atu hetan Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Perfíl Twitter kona-ba Ema ida-ne'e.

Oinsá ita bele la'o? Ita fó kona-ba nia naran ida no foto ida. Tuirmai, buka Facebook kona-ba ida-ne'e nia naran no halo Rekoñesimentu Kiik hodi determina Perfíl Facebook loos. Depois neʼe nia la halo ida Google no ImageRaider Revendika Imajen Buka atu hetan Perfíl Mídia Sosiál seluk. Se Perfíl Instagram ida hetan ida-neʼe sei verifika husi kompara ita-nia foto hatene kona-ba Ema atu pinta Instagram balu. Ikus liu ita hetan Relatóriu PDF :)

Oinsá atu uza

Instalasaun Prequisites automatizadu
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye/master/pre.sh && chmod +x pre.sh && ./pre.sh

Instalasaun Prequisites manuál
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y $ sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip python3-dev $ sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libboost-all-dev build-essential cmake libffi-dev $ git clone https://github.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye $ cd EagleEye && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt $ sudo pip3 install --upgrade beautifulsoup4 html5lib spry
Regardless of which option you choose make sure that you have Firefox installed If you have Firefox installed, download the latest release of the Geckodriver for you Architecture.
Note: If you are using Firefox ESR(like Kali does) please use the Geckodriver Version 17
Next change the value in config.json to the path of the geckodriver e.g
{ "DEFAULTS": { ... }, "WEBDRIVER": { "ENGINE": "firefox", "PATH": "PATH TO geckodriver e.g C:\\Program Files\\geckodriver.exe" }, "FILTER": [ .... ], ... }
Make the Geckodriver executable
$ chmod +x /path/to/geckodriver
I will try to implement the Chrome Webdriver as soon as possible
Next put at least one Image of the Person you want to find in the known folder. (Has to be .jpg for now)
Then run the program ;)
$ python3 eagle-eye.py
To see a list of all available Options just type
$ python3 eagle-eye.py -h
The ImageRaider Reverse Image Search can take some minutes 1-15 Minutes depending on the count of Images



